Proteus Controller Press Kit

Quick Info


At launch
Preorder 5% off
Early Bird 10% off
VIP Price 15% off

Expected to ship Fall 2024

What's included in the Standard Kit

Body Modules
Power Cube x2
Left Analog Cube x1
Right Analog Cube x1
Half Cube x1
Edge Spacer x2
Charger Spacer x1

XYAB Button x1
Xbox Home Button x1
Left Trigger x1
Right Trigger x1
One Button x2

Bluetooth Dongle x1
‍Socket Covers x9
Plug Cover x1
Left & Right Handles x1
USBC Cable x1

Subject to change*

About ByoWave

CEO & Founder
Brandon Blacoe

ByoWave is located in Galway, Ireland
The Proteus Controller is Designed in Ireland and manufactured in China.


ByoWave is a revolutionary computing and gaming hardware accessory company reinventing the user experience through connected, customizable, and intuitive product design. Powered by groundbreaking technology, its products offer unmatched choice, accessibility, and adaptability based on the nuanced demands and needs of every user. This highly personalized approach makes for the best user experiences possible for work, play and everything in between, enriching the connection between users and their technologies.

ByoWave’s first product, the Proteus Controller®, is a modular video game controller unlike anything on the market. The Proteus Controller uniquely enables users to make their gameplay experience their own through a wide range of ergonomic, functional, and aesthetic capabilities, powered by a staggering 100 million combinations.

With the Proteus Controller, ByoWave is poised to lead the future of inclusive design as the controller adapts to the way gamers want to play, not the other way around. Its intuitive snap and play design allows users to quickly and easily configure their controller through compact modules and accompanying components. A specialized module mapping system ensures configurations are saved to allow for changes and experimentation without any hassle, seamlessly conforming to varied games, physical abilities, and play styles. Whether a user prefers a one-handed or two-handed controller, a vertical or horizontal design, a wide or compact layout, or something entirely custom, the possibilities are limitless. 

The Proteus Controller is a designed for Xbox product and will be compatible with  for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Windows 10|11 at launch, with plans for additional platform compatibility in the future.

Innovation & Inclusive Design

ByoWave's mission is innovation driven by inclusivity. Our company pillars are empathy, open minded innovation, engineering excellence and tenacity. Leveraging inclusive design principles, ByoWave’s first product, the Proteus Controller, was created with the goal of it working for as many people as possible, whether they be gamers with disabilities or non-disabled gamers who are looking for a more customizable way to play.

ByoWave's Story

ByoWave was founded by Brandon Blacoe in July 2020. Brandon had always wanted to be an engineer and had been fascinated by all things electromechanical and was amazed by the world of video games. When Brandon was young he would sneak into his family game room after hours to play Crash Bandicoot, and when he was a teenager he would take apart consoles to see where this magic came from. This early fascination drove him to study physics and engineering at University in UCD so that he could try to recreate that positive experience in interesting new ways for himself and others. Toward the end of his degree, he reconnected with his childhood friend, Eibhlin O’Riordan, when they met by chance at the Global Game Jam in 2020. The pair met at play school, a time when they would go over to each other’s houses and play Shrek 2 on their PlayStations together (which is a great game by the way).

It had been 15 years since Brandon had last met Eibhlin, and while reminiscing about their love for gaming, she told Brandon something that changed his perspective. Eibhlin told Brandon about her disability, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), and that she couldn’t use standard video game controllers for longer than 30 minutes without experiencing pain. Eibhlin also explained that there were thousands of people online that she had encountered who were also struggling to play games due to the lack of choice in accessible hardware, especially for those who were looking for something that felt a standard controller, but allowed them to adapt it to the way they wanted to play. This had a major impact on Brandon because of how important the experience of gaming had been to him throughout his life. It immediately opened his eyes to the fact that there are so many people out there whose experience of gaming is limited by existing hardware and it sparked his natural curiosity to understand why. Brandon knew this was all he wanted to focus on, so he founded ByoWave in July 2020 and got a team on board, starting with Eibhlin. Together they took their first steps on ByoWave’s journey to making gaming more accessible.

From Concept to Reality

Our journey to developing the Proteus Controller

Sometime in the early 2000's

Our story actually begins all the way back in the early 2000's where Brandon Blacoe and Eibhlin O'Riordan spent their early years together in playschool and became the best of friends. This is when their love of gaming began. Their favourite game to play together was Shrek 2 on the PlayStation 2
January 2020
Brandon and Eibhlin lost touch over the years but met up again at a Game Jam in 2020! They made a game together about a blob of Goo that gained consciousness after a failed lab experiment and had the ability to 'bend- goo' (like air-bending, but goo)!

Brandon was studying his Masters in Electronic and Computer Engineering and Eibhlin was doing her undergrad in Game Design. Eibhlin told Brandon about her disability, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and how it affected her ability to play video games with one hand.
June 2020
Brandon spent a lot of time thinking about the problem that Eibhlin had with using standard video game controllers. He realised that there were many other people out there who were also struggling to find a controller that worked for them and Brandon decided to try to find a solution. And ByoWave was born!

The team started in an attic. They took part in a small competition and they won just enough money to buy a 3D printer and Brandon began to iterate on his ideas. The team started with a one handed controller concept, because that was what they had experience with, but when they began speaking to disabled gamers that they met on reddit, they quickly learned that everyone wanted something different, and that there was no one-size-fits-all solution to this problem.
End of 2020
In order to iterate faster, Brandon came up with the idea to 3D print cubes and ship them to our testers to see what configurations they came up with as a basis for a new design. It turned out that the testers loved the cubes and loved the level of modularity and customisation they offered.
2021 & 2022
The next 2 years were spent iterating on the Proteus Controller prototypes and testing as much as possible with users. We travelled around the world to different conferences to see what people really thought about our ideas and we got amazing feedback! We 3D printed functional prototypes of the Proteus Controller and began nailing down on features and functionality based on user feedback.
From the end of 2022 into early 2023 Brandon spent 7 months in China establishing our manufacturing chain for the Proteus Controller. ByoWave set up a team in China who is dedicated to maintaining and overseeing our manufacturing capabilities
In 2024 we will be launching the Proteus Controller to the world! We are almost ready to go into final production and expect to start shipping units in Autumn of 2024.

Don't miss out on the first number of limited units of the Proteus Controller!


Want to speak with the team?

Let us know if you have any questions about the Proteus Controller or if you want to interview someone from team.

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